To die:to sleep;No more;and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd.

Fly to the Sky - My Angel

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Fly to the Sky - 사랑해 (我愛你)

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(M!Countdown) FTTS - 미워해줘 (怨恨吧) + My Angel

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人氣歌謠 Fly to the Sky 後台採訪

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(Live) Fly to the Sky Comeback Stage - My Angel 

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(Live) Fly to the Sky - 미워해줘 (怨恨吧) + My Angel

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 (Live)  Fly to the Sky - Tomorrow + 가지마 (不要走)

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 準備好了 EP6 - Fly to the Sky cut

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超爆笑... Brian同HwanHee偶像形象完全被摧毀

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擁抱 - 阿妹+五月天

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(070609 SBS Dream Concert) Epik High - Fan

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Fany 我做了整形手術1

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